Here at Studeramedfunktionshinder.nu you can read everything there is to know about studying with disabilities. You will find facts about how specially designed schools and equipment can make your school year more successful. You will also find information about diffrent crafts and proffessions as well as further studies that might suit you.
Studeramedfunktionshinder.nu continuosly publishes tips and advice for everyone with disabilities. Some of the tips include how to perform better at shool while others are about how to connect with other students and improve your self esteem. To read more about studying with disabilites, read our news section and our other pages.

Finding the right proffession with a disability can be hard. Here we help you with tips about proffessions and workplaces that might suit you.

Studying with disabilities can be challenging but also very rewarding. Here we present tips if you want to keep on studying after high school.

If you are studying with a disability then you might be eligible to receive assistance. It can be a personal assistant, but it can also be technological solutions.

If you are studying in sweden you will receive study grants. With certain disabilities you might also be eligible to apply for further economic support.
Easier to study with disabilities
Its never before been easier to study with disabilities. Before many did not receive the proper education, which made it hard to follow your dreams of a certain career. Today however you have the same rights and possibilities to study and receive a proper education as everyone else.
Studeramedfunktionshinder.nu is here to support you when you feel lost during your education or when you are looking for things to do after school. Here you will find information about the small things to improve everyday life aswell as well as advice in much bigger issues.
About Studeramedfunktionshinder.nu
This page is designated to helping everyone with disabilities succeed with their education. We hope to motivate you in doing your best during your studies as well as helping you find further education. Besides that we will regularly publish tips and information which concerns your education and your private life.